CV em inglês
Heloisa Buarque de Hollanda is an emeritus professor at the UFRJ School of Communication. He graduated in Classical Literature at PUC-Rio, with a master's and doctorate in Brazilian Literature at UFRJ and a post-doctorate in Sociology of Culture at Columbia University, in New York. Besides UFRJ, she has worked as a visiting professor in the following universities: PUC-Rio; Brown University; Columbia University; New York University; Stanford University; and University of California System.
She is the director of the Advanced Contemporary Culture Program (PACC-Letras / UFRJ), where she coordinates the Social Technologies Laboratory, of the Universidade das Quebradas project, and Forum M, an open space for the debate on the issue of women at the university. Heloisa also works as a counselor for the Brazilian leg of the Amnesty International.
For over ten years, Heloisa coordinates the project called Universidade das Quebradas (, where she and others work on the making of an exchange environment between expertises and knowledge creation and production practices, articulating cultural and intellectual experiences produced inside and outside academia.
Buarque de Hollanda research activity focuses on the relationship between culture and politics, working mostly on the theoretical fields of literature theory, cultural studies and feminism. She researches in the fields of poetry, gender relations, ethnic relations, marginalized cultures and the new questions raised by the recent economic, political and cultural framework due to globalization and technological development processes.
She has numerous articles published in the areas of art, literature, feminism, digital culture, marginal culture and cultural policies. Her published book are:
26 poetas hoje [26 poets today] (1975), edited by Labor
Macunaíma: da literatura ao cinema [Macunaíma: from literature to cinema] (1978), edited by José Olympio
Anos 70: Literatura [1970s: Literature] (1979), edited by Europa
Impressões de viagem: CPC, vanguarda e desbunde (1960/70) [Travel impressions: CPC, avant-garde and slumps 1960s and 70s] (1980), edited by Brasiliense
Patrulhas ideológicas [Ideological patrols] (1980), edited by Brasiliense
Cultura e participação nos anos 60 [Culture and participation in the 60s] (1982), edited by Brasiliense
Poesia jovem. Anos 70 [Young poetry. The 70’s] (1982), edited by Abril
The Quase Catálogo [Almost Catalog] Series (1990), edited by CIEC/Museu da Imagem e do Som
QC1: Realizadoras de cinema no Brasil 1930-89 [Women Filmmakers in Brazil 1930-89]
QC2: Artistas plásticas no Rio de Janeiro 1975-85 [Women Fine Artists in Rio de Janeiro 1975-85]
QC3: Estrelas do cinema mudo no Brasil 1908-30 [Silent Cinema Actresses in Brazil 1908-30]
QC4: A telenovela no Rio de Janeiro 1950-63 [The Soap Opera in Rio de Janeiro 1950-63]
Pós-modernismo e política [Postmodernism and politics] (1992), edited by Rocco
Y nosotras latino americanas? Estudos sobre raça e gênero [Y nosotras latino americanas? Studies on race and gender] (1992), edited by Fundação Memorial da América Latina
Ensaístas brasileiras. Mulheres que escreveram sobre literatura e artes de 1860 a 1991 [Brazilian essayists. Women who wrote about literature and the arts from 1860 to 1991] (1993), edited by Rocco
Tendências e Impasses - O feminismo como crítica da cultura [Trends and Impasses - Feminism as a critic of culture] (1994), edited by Rocco
Esses poetas: uma antologia dos anos 90 [These poets: an anthology of the 90s] (1998), edited by Aeroplano
Horizontes Plurais - Novos estudos de gênero no Brasil [Plural Horizons - New gender studies in Brazil] (1998), edited by Fundação Carlos Chagas e Editora 34
Cultura em trânsito - da depressão à abertura [Culture in transit - from depression to openness] (2000) (with Elio Gaspari and Zuenir Ventura), edited by Aeroplano
Artelatina - cultura, globalização e identidades cosmopolitas [Artelatina - culture, globalization and cosmopolitan identities] (2000) (with Beatriz Resende), edited by Aeroplano/CCBB
Guia poético do Rio de Janeiro: o olhar modernista [Rio de Janeiro's poetic guide: the modernist look] (2001), edited by Aeroplano/Paço Imperial
Puentes/Pontes: poesia argentina e brasileira contemporânea [Puentes/ Bridges: contemporary Argentine and Brazilian poetry] (2003), edited by Fondo de Cultura Económica de Argentina
Rachel de Queiroz. As melhores crônicas [Rachel de Queiroz. The best chronicles] (2004), edited by Global
Asdrúbal trouxe o trombone: memórias de uma trupe solitária de comediantes que abalou os anos 70 [Asdrúbal brought the trombone: memories of a lone troupe of comedians that shook the 70s] (2004), edited by Aeroplano
Otra línea de fuego - quince poetas brasileñas ultracontemporáneas [Another line of fire - fifteen ultra-contemporary Brazilian poets] (2009) (with Teresa Arijón), edited by CEDMA
Escolhas: uma autobiografia intelectual [Choices: an intellectual autobiography] (2009), edited by Língua Geral/Carpe Diem
Coleção melhores poemas - Armando Freitas Filho [Best poems collection - Armando Freitas Filho] (2010), edited by Global Editora
Cultura como recurso [Culture as a resource] (2012), edited by Secretaria de Cultura do Estado da Bahia/Fundação Pedro Calmon
Zona Digital [Digital Zone] (2015) (with Cristiane Costa), edited by e-galáxia
Rachel, Rachel (2016), edited by e-galáxia
Cultura em Transe: Brasil anos 60 [Culture in Trance: Brazil in the 60s] (2016), edited by e-galáxia
Os Marginais: Brasil anos 70 [The Marginals: Brazil in the 70s] (2016), edited by e-galáxia
Explosão Feminista. Arte, cultura, política e universidade [Feminist Explosion. Art, culture, politics and university] (2018), edited by Cia das Letras
Pensamento feminista brasileiro: formação e contexto [Brazilian feminist thought: constitution and context] (2019), edited by Bazar do Tempo
Pensamento feminista: conceitos fundamentais [Feminist thinking: fundamental concepts] (2019), edited by Bazar do Tempo
Pensamento feminista hoje: perspectivas decoloniais [Feminist thinking today: decolonial perspectives] (2020), edited by Bazar do Tempo
Between the years of 2007 and 2008, at the Aeroplano Ed. that she directed at the time, Heloisa edited and published a collection of books that expressed and disseminated the work of young thinkers, artists and leaders who speak from or identified with a place little heard, the favela. The Tramas Urbanas [Urban Webs] collection had titles such as:
Vozes Marginais na Literatura [Marginal Voices in Literature], by Erica Peçanha do Nascimento
Vozes dos Porões [Basement Voices], by Alejandro Reyes
Traficando Conhecimento [Trafficking Knowledge], by Jessica Balbino
Guia Afetivo da Periferia [Affective Guide of the Periphery], by Marcus Vinícius Faustini
Favela Toma Conta [Favela Takes The Place], by Alessandro Buzo
Daspu, A Moda Sem Vergonha [Daspu, The Shameless Fashion], by Flavio Lenz
101 Funks que Você Tem Que Ouvir Antes De Morrer [101 Funks You Must Hear Before You Die], by Julio Ludemir
Her projects as a Radio and TV director:
Café com letra (1978), at Radio MEC
Culturama (1979), at TVE/UFRJ
And as a documentarist, for film and TV:
Raul Bopp (1976)
Joaquim Cardozo (1977)
Xarabovalha, o teatro independente nos anos 70 (1978)
Dr. Alceu (1981)
She has worked as a curator of several art exhibitions, among them:
A construção de Brasília, memória, produção cultural, participação [The construction of Brasília, memory, cultural production, participation] (1983), at Memorial JK, Brasília
Talking terrorism (1987), at Cubberley Lobby, Stanford University, California
Dez anos sem Chico Mendes [Ten years without Chico Mendes] (1998), at SESC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro
Estética da Periferia [Inner City Aesthetics] (2005), at Centro Cultural dos Correios, Rio de Janeiro
Manobras Radicais – artistas mulheres na década de 90 [Radical Manouvers – women artists of the 90´s] (2006), at CCBB-SP, São Paulo
Estética da Periferia: Diálogos Urgentes [Inner City Aesthetics: Urgent Dialogues] (2007), at MAMAM, Recife
Blooks – blogs + books (2007 and 2009), at Instituto Oi Futuro, Rio de Janeiro, and SESC Pinheiros, São Paulo
H20, o futuro da águas [H20, Future of the Waters] (2009), at SESC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro
Vento Forte: 50 Anos de Teatro Oficina [Strong Wind: 50th Anniversary of Teatro Oficina] (2009), at Centro Cultural dos Correios, Rio de Janeiro
O Jardim da oposição [The Opposition Garden] (2009), at Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro [] (2011), at Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage and Biblioteca de Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro
Her projects have been funded by CNPq, Faperj, Funarte e Petrobras.
During her trajectory, Heloisa has won some awards, such as:
Fundação Guggenheim Award (1986)
Women of The Year (1993, 2014)
Make a Difference Award, in the category Prose and Verse, by O Globo (2008)
Sancho Pança Dreamer Apprentice Award, by Cooperifa (2009)
Minerva Council Award, by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2010)
Culture Award of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in the Communication category (2010)
Best University Extension Project Award, for the project Universidade das Quebradas (PACC-UFRJ), by FAPERJ (2010)
Personality Award, by IAB-RJ (2013)